Safety Policy
Company safety statement

TRIDENTWINGS Corporate Services Private Limited is committed to employees’ safety and the protection of our environment.

Our priority is the prevention of accidents and/or injury to all our employees and those who work closely with TWCS.

Safety is the responsibility of each and every employee of TWCS as well as any person present at our facility and work site.

TWCS employees, contractors, subcontractors and visitors will comply with all the Government Regulations and Legislations. Environmental protection will also be the responsibility of each and every employee, contractors, subcontractors and visitors to TWCS.

Management has the responsibility of providing its employees, contractors, subcontractors, visitors and clients with a safe and healthy work environment. All personnel holding management positions will promote a safety attitude and will all times lead by a positive example.

Management will enforce compliance of all policies, rules and procedure by way of a continued education of the safety program, inspecting process and use of the disciplinary policy presently in place.

All employees must make safety and the protection of environment the most important part of each and every task. Active participation and adherence to company safety and environmental policies is continually encouraged and is a condition of employment.

Constant safety awareness will enable TWCS to maintain safe and healthy work place, protect our environment and offer high quality, professional services to our customers.